Singing Can Reveal the Meaning of Your Life – Why not Give it a Try?
This section is my own work. However, 'the very idea' would not have come about without reading Dr Michael Mosley's book entitled 'Just One Thing'. I recommend it to you…
Mental life essentially includes our mental structures, such as perception and memory and our mental behaviours, such as planning and deciding. Mental is intentional. Blogs here are mainly concerned with ideas and projects. Critiquing films, for example, is a very mental activity. Expressed in terms of being, this would be being-for-itself.
This section is my own work. However, 'the very idea' would not have come about without reading Dr Michael Mosley's book entitled 'Just One Thing'. I recommend it to you…
M4A claims to use art to give more meaning to life. The idea is well-worked up on the website, but lacks examples of the realisation of the idea in practice.…
Olivier is a friend from Auzon in France. He is a painter and a teacher. His painting style is loosely characterised as 'new realism'. It might even be a school,…
JL: Rather than write a simple critique, I am trying to do 2 things. First, I am trying to provide better access to the story for English speakers, whose French…
NC is a tennis club mate - sometimes partner and sometimes opponent. Hopefully, the same relationship will hold for exchanges, appearing in this post. I am reading his blog to…
We are trying to use art to help give meaning to our lives. We might be minded then to consider a bit more what art is? Not so much to…
As a trained psychologist, I am aware of the pros and cons of personality testing. They almost certainly reveal some aspects of a person, but not others. Their level of…
Ben Wilson is known for his brightly-coloured artworks. They are unusual in as much as they are created on chewing gum, which is stuck to the pavement, having been flattened…
Dr <DD> got me going on this.......he is a bit of a dab hand, as you can read. I am, on the other hand, very much a beginner.....I am not…
CP shares some thoughts with his reader 20 November, 2020 As for the biobook........After a little thought - not deep, I don’t do deep - I conclude that it must…
We all use familiar phrases and sayings in our everyday conversation, but have you ever wondered about their origins? Many are to be found in the Bible, a large number…
This is a post (!) modern (that is, non-linear) memoir (or autobiography) of CP. The life categories of CP are nevertheless ordered by decade. They can be accessed independently of…
INTRODUCTION BREMAIN/BREXIT EXCHANGE Dear John Long, The Government has responded to the petition you signed – “Revoke Article 50 and remain in the EU.”. Government responded: You’re receiving this email because…
Self-portrait_____________________________________ In London are found, the vistas, vales and ponds of Hampstead Heath, And Kenwood House, upon a time a noble-man, to the nation bequeath, Our happiness often made a…
Cousin P and I have little or nothing in common except some early shared family experiences and and our tertiary education. The former consisted of very jolly Xmas and family…
DIALOGUE OF THE DEATH? SP and MH have known each other on and off since the early ‘70s, when both were researchers in C. Their relationship has many aspects –…
Computer Support for the Literary Art of Writing Introduction Software developers and service providers never stop telling us how well we are served by the most recent applications. Such claims…
M. was a very good cyclist and a keen long-term member of the 40+ Club, with which he rode regularly once or twice a week. He was overqualified with…
'Darling Baby Mine' by John de St Jorre (Quartet Books Limited - 2016) - a book review e-mail exchange between reader and author. Reader: There can be no doubting the…
DrDD is an old mate of MH. They did their PhDs at the same time and place and cried into each other’s beer from time to time. They both stayed…