Dr <DD> got me going on this…….he is a bit of a dab hand, as you can read. I am, on the other hand, very much a beginner…..I am not even sure that I see the point, although I am trying hard. I would like it to be on the way to writing some (real?) poetry. Let’s see how I get on and you too, if you want to have a go. All welcome!


Promises, Promises………Nothing But Promises…..
Here’s my first (political to boot) Boiku Haiku…..
Johnson Out! (3)
Johnson Out! (3)
Johnson Out, Out, Out! (5)
Let’s Take Back Control. (5)
Let’s Get Johnson Done. (5)

Promises – My Foot!
Dr <DD>


No news is good news. (5)
Live more, then no more! (5)
Life is still there for living. (7)
For the time being. (5)

Dr <DD>

Cofid-19 came. (5)
That much is clear. (4)
But where did it went? (5)
It went viral……(4)

Dr <DD>

Come bide with me. (4)
Fast falls the even tide. (5)
Company on the rocks? (6)
Winter sunshine! (4)
Powers my e-bike (4)
Into fitness. (4)
A nest of brambles, (5)
Scratches my walk. (4)
Blood in the sand? (4)
A burp in the rain (5)
Treat fire with fire. (4)
All gone, Daddy! (4)
Dearest X! (3)
I am here, (3)
You are there. (3)
The icy wind of silence (7)
Cuts the air, (3)
Like a Knife, (3)
To the bone. (3)
On a par then? (4)
We must be told. (4)
Veuillez distinguer, chere Madame, mes salutations distinguees.(16)
Dearest H2BA (6)
Can you come out to play? (6)
To-day (2)
Hope so! (2)
Have such fun together. (6)
Bet your bottom doller. (7)