1. Wheelie bins mean something to us. They are useful for storing and transporting rubbish. But maybe we can cheer them up a bit – make them more engaging? But meaningful wheelie bins must be a joke, no? Maybe. See what you think.

A Jolly Bin
2. Sofi is 12. Her cat is called Bradley (see Art Gallery).
They made this model bin.
They think it’s jollier, than the council bins. Certainly more engaging. Might be difficult to empty though. Definitely of the modernist school.

Shapes and Colours Bin
3. This RQ model looks a bit more cheery. Certainly more arty. I think it might grow on me over time.

A real bin
4. An unusual RQ real bin? In fact, more real than a real bin. Low key but quietly lively. I smell meaning……
Painting-printed Real Bin

Make your own wheelie bin maquette

Then design your perfect wheelie bin