Culinary Architecture by Becky

This post speaks for itself. According to Becky, it illustrates a possible relationship between architecture and the products of culinary art. Pont Neuf is a Parisian Bridge and it is constructed here of chips – although fairly sturdy ones. It prompts a range of questions:

  1. The dish is called Pommes de Terre Pont Neuf. A catchy label; but no mention of pommes frites. How about: Pommes de Terre/ Frites Pont Neuf ? Or even Pont Pommes de Terre/Frites? Does this matter?
  2. The dish has structure – no doubt about that; but is it (sufficiently) specific to Pont Neuf? How about Pommes de Terre/Frites Structurees or Pommes Frites Structurees or Pommes Frites Baties? Again, does this matter?
  3. Is the relationship associative as well as structural? How about Pommes de Terre Echafaudage (Scaffolding)?
  4. Maybe the relationship is only associative? How about Pommes de Terre/Frites Tour de France/Massif Centrale/Gare du Nord?
  5. ……..

Please add and answer at your pleasure. Interesting responses will be posted. 

The recipe
Recipe cont’d
Culinary Architecture?