DrDD is an old mate of MH. They did their PhDs at the same time and place and cried into each other’s beer from time to time. They both stayed in Academia, working for a time on the same project. Both have been and continue to be active in retirement. DrDD brings Cognitive Science and Engineering to cricket, as he watches it on the radio. He wrote and published a book on it, so it must be serious and interesting to some cricket lovers at least. He writes doggerel to express some of his love of cricket; but also does sketches from photographs. Writing and sketching brings meaning to his life and keeps him busy and off the streets. They constitute a major part of his current mental activity. If you have any doubts on the matter – see http://www.dddsystems.co.uk/SiP.htm and report back.
Here are some of his latest cricket sketches, executed with his new ‘brush pens’.